Sort by - commited date
#Getting Started Configuration is managed by Config.toml in the Scraps project. Only the base_url and title variables are required. Everything else is optional. All configuration variables used by Scraps and their default values are listed below. # The site base url base_url = "" # The site title title = "" # The site description (optional) description = "" # The site favicon in the form of png file URL (optional) favicon = "" # The site timezone (optional, default=UTC) timezone = "UTC" # The site color scheme (optional, default=os_setting, choices=os_setting or only_light or only_dark) color_scheme = "os_setting" # Build a search index with the Fuse JSON and display search UI (optional, default=true, choices=true or false) build_search_index = true # Scraps sort key choice on index page (optional, default=committed_date, choices=committed_date or linked_count) sort_key = "committed_date" # Scraps pagination on index page(optional, default=no paginsation) paginate_by = 20
Color Scheme
Internal Links
#Content Internal links like wiki Specifying the name of the markdown file with a notation such as [[Link]] will generate a wiki-like internal link. For example, if you have the following set of files. ❯ tree scraps scraps ├── └── Fill in the file name in the scraps directory in as follows to generate the link. See [[Usage]] for detail. Tags as nonexistent links If there is no scraps with the specified title, such as #Content, then it will be a tag. Tags are lined up on the index page, and the link is to a page with a list of scraps that have the tag. Alias by display text Internal links allow you to use different display text as aliases. Writing [[Content|here]] creates a link that displays as here but links to the “Content” page.
#Content Search index format Scraps can build a search index using the Fuse JSON schema as shown below. [ { "title": "Search", "url": "" }, { "title": "Overview", "url": "" }, ... ] Search libraries Scraps content perform searches with fuse.js using an index. We are considering WASM solutions like tinysearch for future performance improvements in our deployment environment. Configuration If you are not using the search function, please modify your Config.toml as follows. See here for Configuration page. # Build a search index with the Fuse JSON and display search UI (optional, default=true, choices=true or false) build_search_index = false